Cameron Barney’s 2020 impact
Cameron Barney’s 2020 impact
Cameron Barney’s impact is something we are pleased to report. In 2020, we support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals 10 (Reduce Inequalities) and 13 (Climate Action) by raising over £556 million to finance the roll-out of digital infrastructure, reducing the UK’s carbon footprint and supporting the transition to sustainable energy.
In digital infrastructure
The clients for whom we have either raised funds or in which we remain invested have now passed in excess of 631k premises and connected over 118k customers with fibre broadband, up 132% and 54% respectively from the prior year.
In energy generation
Our clients generated in excess of 700GWh of renewable energy generation.
In total, the companies which we have helped finance have created more than 1,400 new jobs. If the inclusion of contractors was measured, the employment figures would likely be at least double.
In 2021 we look forward to meeting more entrepreneurs and new companies as well as continuing to advise our existing clients as they scale. We also enjoy sharing insights with corporate and institutional investors, whether new to the infra-tech sector or well established, so please get in touch with us.